
Orange Blossom Ring

【歌曲介绍】:Orange Blossom Ring是The Klezmatics 的作品。The Klezmatics,这个乐团1985年在美国纽约成立,原来只包括Dave Lindsay (贝司), Rob Chavez (单簧管), Alicia Svigals (小提琴手),随后The Klezmer Conservatory乐团小号演奏家Frank London 的加入,几周后Lorin Sklamberg (主唱, 手风琴), Margot Leverett (单簧管)和David Licht (鼓)的参加,进一步完善了乐团的音乐组织结构,并在随后不久受摇滚乐团The Plazmatics名字的启发而给乐团命名为The Klezmatics。 尽管他的音乐受4、50年代的Abe Ellstein和Dave Tarras的音乐作品的深刻影响,但这个乐团创作的东欧传统犹太音乐是非常接近Klezmer曲风的,他们的歌词因广泛涉及当时的政治和社会时事,做为一个急进的犹太传统乐团,形成了这个乐团独特的音乐标签。

【Orange Blossom Ring】歌词

I loved a man so kind and sweet
And every night we used to meet
He gave to me my orange blossom ring.
He got in trouble down in town
The deputy sheriff shot him down
I wore his golden orange blossom ring.

It was on the night we were to wed
I got the news that he was dead
I thought of his orange blossom ring.
I drove to the place where he did lay
The last word that I heard him say
Oh put away that orange blossom ring.

I would not have you live a life
Of loneliness and tears and strife
So put away my orange blossom ring.
Just because I'm dead and gone
I would not see you live alone
And dwell alone with an orange blossom ring.

Another lover I did meet
We're married now with children sweet
He gave to me an orange blossom ring.
Down through these years that we've been wed
I've never to my husband said
This is my second orange blossom ring.

关于Orange Blossom Ring的是个雕刻着盛开的鲜花的橙色的戒指,大多用于订婚,第一枚是由一个很久以前欧洲很著名的戒指制造工匠所制,后来每对COUPLE都以能拥有一对象征爱情之花永恒开放的Orange Blossom Ring为荣。这首歌虽然讲述的是个悲伤调调的故事,但是不难看出Orange Blossom Ring 在国外的情侣心中的地位

